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Volumetric Layer Segmentation Using a Generic Shape Constraint
with Applications to Cortical Shape Analysis
A Dissertation
Presented to the Faculty of the Graduate School
Yale University
in Candidacy for the Degree of
Doctor of Philosophy
Xiaolan Zeng
Dissertation Director: James Scott Duncan
May 2000
A novel approach has been developed in this thesis for the problem of
segmenting volumetric layers, a type of structure often encountered in
medical image analysis. This approach is aimed towards the use of
structural information to enhance the performance of the segmentation
process. While some organs have more consistent global shape and can
be characterized using a specific shape model, other anatomical
structures possess much more complex shape with possibly high
variability which needs a more generic shape constraint. The
three-dimensional(3D) nature of anatomical structures necessitates the
use of volumetric approaches that exploit complete spatial information
and therefore are far superior to the non-optimal and often-biased 2D
methods. Our method takes a volumetric approach, and incorporates a
generic shape constraint { in particular, a thickness constraint. The
resulting coupled surfaces algorithm with a level set implementation
not only offers segmentation with the advantages of minimal user
interaction, robustness to initialization and computational efficiency,
but also facilitates the extraction and measurement of many geometric
features of the volumetric layer. The algorithm was applied to 3D
Magnetic Resonance (MR) brain images for skull-stripping, cortex
segmentation and various feature measurements including cortical
surface shape and cortical thickness. Validation of the model was done
through both synthetic images with "ground truth" and a wide range of
real MR images with expert tracing results. As a natural follow up to
the segmentation work, a new approach was developed for the extraction
of sulcal ribbon surfaces which are distinctive cortical landmarks
of the brain. This effective and efficient 3D method of sulcal ribbon
extraction has potential in a variety of applications such as the
automatic parcellation of cortical regions and the problem of
geometry-constrained brain atlas building. The tools of cortical and
sulcal shape analysis developed in this work are of great importance
to studies of neuroanatomy through medical imaging, and are bringing
about new understanding of brain anatomy and function.
BibTeX Entry
author = "Xiaolan Zeng",
title = "Volumetric Layer Segmentation Using a Generic Shape Constraint
with Applications to Cortical Shape Analysis",
school = "Yale University",
month = "May",
year = "2000")
The complete text of the thesis is available as a .pdf file. (118 pages, 4.2 MB)
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